About Us
The birth of REC Media has been a legacy that has been left by Mr. Mirchu P Samtani, from the distribution and production business that started in 1986 under the brand of Prima Metropolitan Sakti Films to establishing Tiga Belas Entertainment in 2006. Since then, the business has been run by the Brothers and expanded into other aspects of film and television. Maintaining our core values of commitment, passion, and integrity, REC Media now has almost 40 years of experience in the industry and ever-growing into new heights of Cinema, Media and Entertainment.

A Creative and Innovative company that brings Joy through Multi-Platform Entertainment for the general mass

Bring happiness to society through innovative entertainment Preserve and create local compelling contents for the future generation Invest in creative minds to produce leading entertainment that can been enjoyed worldwide

13 Entertainment
Tiga Belas Entertainment owns and manages the largest movie library, in the country and three PayTV channels

Mandela Pictures
Mandela is REC Media’s production house that focuses on original story development, animation, production, and post-production activities

REC IP & Entertainment is one of REC Media’s business unit that focuses on managing intellectual properties, ..that can be developed, relicensed, and produced to various platforms
What we are proud of?
Movie library
Story Developed
IP Managed
What we do?
Run 3 TV ChannelsManage IP Bring story to life
Indonesia’s largest Media House – REC Media.